So, today was supposed to be a day off, but I ended up running a bunch of errands, going to a couple of meetings, and taking a friend to and from work when her car wouldn't start.
Even though I threw on my clothes between outings, I asked my roommate to take a couple of outfit photos. It wasn't 'til I got in the car again that I realized that I dressed just like Natalie Portman did at the beginning of 2004's Closer—her first Golden Globe nominated role. Observe the faux fur lined coats, the clunky boots, the disheveled ginger hair, and the near-perfect withering gazes:
Even though I threw on my clothes between outings, I asked my roommate to take a couple of outfit photos. It wasn't 'til I got in the car again that I realized that I dressed just like Natalie Portman did at the beginning of 2004's Closer—her first Golden Globe nominated role. Observe the faux fur lined coats, the clunky boots, the disheveled ginger hair, and the near-perfect withering gazes:

I desperately wanted to be Natalie Portman in high school after watching Closer (and, admittedly, the Star Wars prequels, despite their poor production quality). Her character, Alice, was everything that I desired to be: a young, sexy American girl in London, plucky and resourceful, with a killer wardrobe that was part thrift store, part punk club. She had the best quotes in the movie, so I tried to emulate her and her witticisms whenever possible. I even tried to pull off her short 20s style bob at the beginning of college, which failed legendarily (I looked like I had a Beatles-style mop top).
The location pictured above, Postman's Park, was also coincidentally my favorite spot to read class novels while I studied in England two years ago. Serendipity.
Some details:
Dress: Forever 21
Cardigan: TargetTights: ???
Coat: Bought from Lynzy of Sparkling Footsteps
Shoes: Madden Girl, via JC Penney
Earrings: Old NavyRings: Etsy; family heirloom
Photos: Jill Hakala
Who are your style idols?